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A wide variety of standard and configurable components for factory automation engineers in industries such as automotive, semiconductor, packaging, medical and many more.
A good selection of accessories such as screws, bolts, washers and nuts that you may need for your daily engineering usage.
Browse industrial materials ranging from heat insulating plates, sponges, to metal and plastic materials in different sizes to meet your various applications.
A wide variety of wiring parts for connecting and protecting control and PC parts including Connectors, Cables, Electric Wires, Crimping Terminals and more.
A wide variety of controls and PC parts for electrical engineers including Controls, Powers, PC parts and more.
A wide variety of cutting tools for many uses and work materials including End Mills, Drills, Cutters, Reamers, Turning Tools and more.
A wide variety of tools and supplies used in processing including Machine Tools, Measurement Tools, Grinding and Polishing Supplies and more.
A wide variety of goods used in shipment, material handling and warehouse including Tape supplies, Stretch film, Truck, Shelf, Crane and more.
A large variety of goods for every kind of factories and offices including Protection items, Cleaning supplies, sanitations, office supplies and more.
A large variety of items used in R&D and Clean Room including research Equipment, Laboratory Essentials, Analysis Supplies, Clean Environment-Related Equipment and more.
Choose from thousands of standard stamping die components including Punch & Die, Gas Springs, Guide Components, Coil Springs and many more.
Browse our wide variety of mold components including Ejector Pins, Sleeves, Leader Components, Sprue Bushings and many more.
Browse our injection molding components including Heating Items, Couplers, Hoses and more.
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Yth. Pelanggan PT.MISUMI Indonesia
Berikut kami informasikan bahwa terhitung mulai tanggal 4 Maret 2019,
PT. Misumi Indonesia akan menempati kantor baru dengan alamat sebagai berikut :
Kawasan Industri Jababeka 1, Jl. Jababeka XIIB Blok W 27,
Kel. Harjamekar, Kec.Cikarang Utara, Kab. Bekasi 17530
Telp : 021-8984 0008 / 9
Segala hal yang terkait dengan surat-menyurat dan keperluan administratif lainnya harap ditujukan ke alamat baru.
Nomor telepon dan nomor fax sama tidak berubah.
Untuk pemberitahuan resminya, mohon dicek di file terlampir.
MISUMI_Announcement Letter for Customer_20190221.pdf
Jika Bapak/Ibu membutuhkan informasi lebih jelas, silahkan menghubungi nomor telepon Layanan Pelanggan : 021-8984-0008 atau Fax : 021-8984-0007, atau email : cs@misumi.co.id.
Terima kasih.
Hormat Kami,
PT. MISUMI Indonesia
Dear Valued Customer of PT. MISUMI Indonesia
We are pleased to inform that effecting from March 4th, 2019,
Our company PT MISUMI Indonesia will be relocated to the new address stated below :.
Kawasan Industri Jababeka 1, Jl. Jababeka XIIB Blok W 27,
Kel. Harjamekar, Kec.Cikarang Utara, Kab. Bekasi 17530
Telp : 021-8984 0008 / 9
All correspondence and administrative needs should be addressed to the new address.
The telephone number, facsimile numbers & email address remain unchanged.
Kindly please find the formal letter in the attached file.
MISUMI_Announcement Letter for Customer_20190221.pdf
If you need more assistance, feel free to contact our Customer Service in
Phone: 021-8984-0008, Fax : 021-8984-0007 or email : cs@misumi.co.id.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
PT. MISUMI Indonesia.