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A wide variety of standard and configurable components for factory automation engineers in industries such as automotive, semiconductor, packaging, medical and many more.
A good selection of accessories such as screws, bolts, washers and nuts that you may need for your daily engineering usage.
Browse industrial materials ranging from heat insulating plates, sponges, to metal and plastic materials in different sizes to meet your various applications.
A wide variety of wiring parts for connecting and protecting control and PC parts including Connectors, Cables, Electric Wires, Crimping Terminals and more.
A wide variety of controls and PC parts for electrical engineers including Controls, Powers, PC parts and more.
A wide variety of cutting tools for many uses and work materials including End Mills, Drills, Cutters, Reamers, Turning Tools and more.
A wide variety of tools and supplies used in processing including Machine Tools, Measurement Tools, Grinding and Polishing Supplies and more.
A wide variety of goods used in shipment, material handling and warehouse including Tape supplies, Stretch film, Truck, Shelf, Crane and more.
A large variety of goods for every kind of factories and offices including Protection items, Cleaning supplies, sanitations, office supplies and more.
A large variety of items used in R&D and Clean Room including research Equipment, Laboratory Essentials, Analysis Supplies, Clean Environment-Related Equipment and more.
Choose from thousands of standard stamping die components including Punch & Die, Gas Springs, Guide Components, Coil Springs and many more.
Browse our wide variety of mold components including Ejector Pins, Sleeves, Leader Components, Sprue Bushings and many more.
Browse our injection molding components including Heating Items, Couplers, Hoses and more.
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Terima kasih atas kerjasama dan kepercayaan Anda menggunakan produk Misumi Indonesia selama ini.
Merujuk kepada Nota Dinas dari Dirjen Bea Cukai no.ND-3158/BC.07/2021, dengan ini kami informasikan,
bahwa terhitung sejak Sabtu 17 Juli 2021 pukul 20:00 WIB s.d Senin 19 Juli 2021 pukul 5:00 WIB dilakukan
pemeliharaan sistem TIK DJBC.
Meskipun jadwal pemeliharaan sudah selesai namun kendala sistem masih terjadi dan berdampak kepada
keterlambatan pengiriman barang karena keadaan kahar di Bea Cukai.
Untuk menjaga komitmen 99% pengiriman tepat waktu, kami menerapkan tambahan durasi pengiriman untuk
barang import, terhitung sejak tanggal 23 Juli 2021.
Setelah masalah ini terselesaikan, kami akan mengembalikan durasi pengiriman barang import menjadi lebih cepat.
Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini dan terima kasih atas pengertian Anda.
Jika anda membutuhkan informasi lebih jelas, silahkan menghubungi nomor telepon pelayanan pelanggan :
• Email : cs@misumi.co.id
• Telepon : 021-89840008
• Faks : 021-89840007
Sekali lagi, kami menghargai kesetiaan Anda sebagai Pelanggan MISUMI dan kami berharap dapat terus mendukung perusahaan Anda.
Klik di sini untuk surat resmi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris : Misumi Official Letter 01MIDN436999JUL2021.pdf
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.
We would like to say thank you for giving us an opportunity to be your business partner.
It is our desire to keep you satisfied with our services and products.
Referring to the Memorandum of Service from the Director General of Customs and Excise no. ND3158/BC.07/2021,
we hereby inform you that starting from Saturday, July 17 2021 at 20:00 WIB to Monday, July 19 2021 at 5:00 WIB,
the DJBC ICT system will be maintained.
Although the maintenance schedule has been completed, system problem still occur and have an impact on delays
in delivery of goods due to force majeure at Customs. To maintain the commitment of 99% on-time delivery,
we are implementing an additional delivery duration for imported goods, starting from July 23, 2021.
After this problem is resolved, we will return the delivery duration of imported goods to be faster.
We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Kindly please see attached file for your references. : Misumi Official Letter 01MIDN436999JUL2021.pdf
Should you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us at
• Email : cs@misumi.co.id
• Telephone : 021-89840008
• Facsimile : 021-89840007
Thank you for your cooperation.